
A general purpose REST architecture is proposed for OpenTeams that enriches the base principles of REST to to require all resources provide descriptor resources detailing the allowable structure and semantic meaning of the resources. This architecture defines base requirements for headers to be provided on all HTTP responses, as well as required headers to be provided on HTTP requests. This base REST architecture will provide additional information to support an advanced and largely automated UI framwork by providing both the JSON Schema of the resources to detail their allowable structure and the JSON-LD of those resources to detail their semantic meaning.

On top of the base HTTP requirements in suport of the REST architecture of the application, a role and attribute based access control architecture is specified that is itself compliant with the overall REST architecture.

On top of the base REST architecture, a coherent caching client is specified that will provide a single coherent cache for all resources accessed by browser clients. This coherent caching client will provide notifications to listeners when resources are changed.

Finally, a VueJS based UI client is defined that uses the combination of the JSON Schema and the JSON-LD context to render the resources for presenting, previewing, summarizing, and editing. This UI client will use the coherent caching client to maintain consistent renderings of individual resources through the application and will use the attribute and role-based access control architecture to determine what views are appropriate to display to the user based on authorization.