Add a field to the Partner Profile resource type

This scenario will demonstrate the value of the SCRUD architecture by defining a new field for the Partner Profile resource. The result will be automatic default support for the new field in both the scrud-django and scrud-vue tools.


Figure out how versioning should work. In this scenario, we run up against it - there will be existing resources that are missing the new property. We could require registrations to include revisions and imply that any update to a resource MUST upgrade it to the most recent revision. We could also require a migration, at some point… but that’s a bit onerous to start…

Updating the JSON Schema


Link to previous, highlight the added field

Updating the JSON-LD Context


Link to previous, highlight the added field

Observe the changes in the REST API

Get the OPTIONS for a Partner Profile resource


Add http traces

GET the JSON Schema for a Partner Profile resource


Add http traces

GET the JSON-LD for a Partner Profile resource


Add http traces

Observe the changes in the UI

Get a listing of Partner Profile resources


Mock up some screens, for now

View an individual Partner Profile resource


Mock up some screens, for now

Edit an individual Partner Profile resource


Mock up some screens, for now

Create a new Partner Profile resource


Mock up some screens, for now